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Because your emotional health matters

Why radical self care? Because true self care relieves stress and anxiety from the inside out.
True self care is about bringing compassion to the scared parts of you, often younger, that still need love and reassurance.

It’s not about buying more shiny things, quick fixes, or saying affirmations when deep down you don’t really believe them.

True self care is about building your self worth, your foundation that’s non-transactional and unconditional.
True self care is about transforming your old underlying belief of ‘I’m not enough’ to ‘I AM enough’.

Radical self care lies in your emotional health: going within, resolving old traumas and emotional wounds, and allowing healthy emotional expression unencumbered by years of backlog. And with its gentle and safe somatic element (because your story is in your body), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) facilitates all that, bringing more clarity, ease and joy to your life, naturally!

Done with the effort of mastering the mindset and quick fixes?
You know you’re capable of more but you’re not sure what?
You’ve ticked life’s boxes yet still yearn for a better way?

It’s time for radical self care so you can start making it without faking it.

The Tapping Connection blue mandala logo, EFT Tapping Brisbane

Finding Justine last year has changed my life. Tapping was very new to me and even as a sceptic at first, I soon found the power that it holds in creating new patterns of thinking and feeling. Justine is an amazing practitioner, warm and caring yet honest and not scared to lean into the big issues and support me in doing so. Learning techniques that can be used outside of sessions has been invaluable! I strongly recommend Justine and I’m grateful for what I have achieved during my journey with her to date.” Kain E.

The Tapping Connection blue mandala logo, EFT Tapping Brisbane
Justine, EFT Tapping practitioner in Brisbane and online
Justine, Accredited EFT Practitioner, Brisbane, EFT Tapping
Link to About EFT Tapping
Link to Meet Justine
Link to Make a Booking

Client love…

“I recently had a beautiful 1:1 session with Justine and it was a total game changer! I had been experiencing a period of debilitating anxiety, fear and as a result of all this stress, a few weeks of minimal sleep, restlessness and nights of complete insomnia… Justine has such a calming, nurturing nature about her that I felt so comfortable and held in her care… She was able to formulate a few core sentences and phrases that seemed to perfectly describe how I was feeling. After a few rounds of tapping, I started feeling better!
Fast forward to a few weeks later and I am still feeling lighter and released of the worries that were holding me back… If ever you have wanted to try EFT Tapping but weren’t sure where to start, I highly recommend Justine.”
Ash H.

“EFT with Justine has helped me to identify and be open with negative thoughts, words and actions, then by reviewing and rewording them, understand and remove them from my present and future.”
Michael B.

“Before learning tapping with Justine, I felt trapped. I’ve tried meditation and self-hypnosis but tapping is different, perhaps it’s the physicality of the tapping that is the bridge between mind and body. Before a tapping session, I am normally feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, perhaps sad, lost, unmotivated. Then the tapping process makes me articulate the problem and my feelings. After tapping, I feel light, warm and focused, relaxed and motivated. I am most surprised that the tapping is so simple. Elegantly simple, but so effective. In a nutshell, tapping untangles me.”
Louise G.

“Thank you again for the wonderful tapping session – you have a gift!”
Simone S.

“I have been working with Justine since the beginning of her coaching. From the very first Tapping session she created a safe and open space where I could be totally myself, open up and be vulnerable. It is incredible how deep we are able to go with every session. Justine helped me with digging deep, facing and working through some of my deepest trauma. The energetic change after every session is incredible. I feel calm, clear and in peace.
I highly recommend working with Justine. She is amazing in holding the space for each and everyone.”
Trine P.