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And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

At The Tapping Connection we cater to all your wellbeing needs, whether it’s individual, small group or workplace.

“Justine brings her wide and deep experience and expertise to the room, and her presentation skills are warm, relaxed, engaging and professional. She clearly explains why the techniques she shares are effective, and takes people through the processes so they experience the results and have new knowledge to take home. I loved Justine’s presentation!” Bev Ryan

New here? Curious? Book a free call to find out more and see if we are a fit.
For international clients, this will be done by Zoom.

I’ve been working with Justine for a couple of months. I’m usually a strong minded individual but hey, life throws us lemons sometimes and we need some support. In contrast to counselling, Tapping literally removes the negative feelings we hold around a topic – it works like magic! I’ve felt so much more positive and light in the mind after each session. It’s been such a great support and I would recommend it to anyone.
Justine has a calm and gentle presence and creates the space for authentic expression without any judgement.
Thank you Justine – you are a life saver!
” Tessa C.

1:1 Sessions

Ready to get out of your own way? Committed to your self development? Yearning for a better way?
Gift yourself some transformational Tapping time to move from ‘I’m not enough’ to ‘I AM enough’.

Tapping Packages ensure issues are dealt with safely and gently, with the effects building and deepening session by session. We all carry trauma of some degree in our bodies. As an adult it could seem trivial, but for the child within, the trauma can still be raw. Committing to a package allows for a safe and gentle pace, which is more likely to provide resolution of issues.

Everyone is different in terms of how many sessions they will need. Choosing a larger package allows for a deeper dive and so, deeper transformation. Sessions are 75 – 90 minutes to ensure a comfortable environment without rushing, and are conducted online by Zoom. EFT has always worked well online as the practitioner taps on herself to guide you, the client, as you tap on yourself. And online caters for beautiful clients around Australia and internationally.

New here? You’re welcome to book in for a complimentary chat if you have any questions.

Once booked in, all clients receive:
* pre-Tapping reflection questions to help you determine what you’d most like to achieve through your sessions.
* your complimentary Home Tapping Guide with simple ways to use EFT between sessions.
* post-session reminders of key points for action or reflection that arose during your session.

Nurture Package
1 month
3 x 90 minute sessions @ A$585

Connection Package
3 months
9 x 90 minute sessions @ A$1665

For clients who have completed a package, individual sessions are available @ A$210 for 90 minutes.

Tapping groups: Connect, tap & have a cuppa

“Loved my sessions with Justine to build confidence in myself and self worth. We explored many areas of my life which was so good for me to resolve and move forward. Thank you Justine.” Jo B.

Self Worth Sessions: Spring 2024
Finish the year strong and join a small, closed group of women over 4 sessions to transform self doubt to self worth.
When: 10am – 12pm, October 22nd and 29th, November 5th and 12th.
Where: Womenspace, 11 Second Ave, Sandgate 4017
Investment: A$280

Small group sessions of 6-8 people are often held around Brisbane or online. Subscribe to the mostly monthly (no spam here!) Tapping Connection newsletter to find out more.

And if you’re interested in adding a Tapping session to your workshop or retreat, I’d love to hear from you!

Workplace wellbeing

“Recently we had 40 people join us to hear from Justine Lawson from The Tapping Connection, to hear her brilliant takeaways and experience with Tapping. After six years of guest speaker topics, this was one yet to have been covered, and we couldn’t be happier that it was. It was a great presentation for business owners, needing insights into how to be better people to be able to continue doing great business.” Kirsty Fields

Having worked in adult education for over 20 years in various roles, we provide a safe and interactive learning environment for maximum engagement and collaboration.

Thriving leaders create thriving teams. And thriving teams are made up of people who thrive.
Bring greater wellbeing to your workplace with workshop topics that foster self awareness and the leader within:
* Radical self care for stress and anxiety relief.
* Emotional awareness and culture.
* Values alignment for confidence building.

Get in touch to discuss your needs and how we can help.

Connection is a core human need underpinning all transformation. Our work will foster your connection at all levels to uncover your better way.
True connection starts within, connecting to your intuitive wisdom to transform self-doubt to self-worth. When you discard the ‘I’m not enough’ barriers, you connect with others more authentically to forge stronger and more honest relationships. And then you connect with life with deeper clarity, ease and grace.

Care is kindness, love in action that creates a sense of safety, non-judgement and acceptance to smooth the path to your better way.
Whether 1:1 or groups, sessions are collaborative and personalised to ensure your needs are met for your best results. You’re not rushed and there’s always time to provide education so you understand what you’re experiencing, and so you can care for your emotional wellbeing between sessions.

Change takes courage. We’ll work together to lean into your vulnerability so you can harness the courage to reach your better way.
Radical self-care that gets to the heart of stress to transform it takes courage. Revealing your raw truth so it can be brought to the light with curiosity and compassion takes courage. Unlearning the limiting underlying beliefs so you can embrace your favourite version of you takes courage. And I’ll support you every step of the way to get to your better way.

image of someone tapping

More questions?
Send them in and we’ll be in touch!

The Tapping Connection, blue mandala logo, EFT Tapping
Does Tapping work on Zoom?

Yes! EFT has always worked well online as the practitioner taps on herself to guide you, the client, as you tap on yourself. And in the words of a client: “I did face to face first so was unsure how online would go and I couldn’t really imagine it. And I realised online was actually fantastic! It had the same impact as face to face and the added bonus of being so convenient.” Megan Y.

What do I need to prepare?

Not much at all! Once you’ve booked in, you’ll be sent all the information you need to be ready for your sessions. A quiet space is key!

What happens in a session?

We’ll firstly discuss what you’d like to achieve through Tapping and what might be getting in the way of achieving that. This isn’t talk therapy so we’ll then spend most of the time in our sessions tapping. I’ll gently guide you through the process, always tapping with you, and you’ll also be guiding me by providing feedback on the words we use and whatever is arising for you. It’s very much a collaboration with no generic scripts. Different techniques will be used depending on what is needed to resolve the issues arising for you.

What if I get it wrong?

You really can’t get it wrong with Tapping. And I’ll be guiding you every step of the way, explaining what we’re doing and always checking in with you to make sure the work resonates for you. Your questions are always welcome too.

What about after-care?

After our first session together, you’ll be sent your Home Tapping Guide. This handy resource covers easy ways to use Tapping at home between sessions and all you need to know about looking after yourself while doing your sessions.

Disclaimer: Although much scientific research has been conducted on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and it continues to gain scientific support, it is not yet widely accepted as a formally validated therapeutic approach. As such, you agree to accept full responsibility for using EFT. The information on this site and associated materials are for your general knowledge and are not a substitute for medical attention or psychological advice from a qualified health professional. Although research results indicate benefits from using EFT, responses to the technique are individual. Always refer to your qualified and licenced health care professional if you have any concerns regarding your health or mental state and before making any dietary or medication changes.